Imagine YOUR Future-Self Today

The wisest and most healed version of you is waiting to emerge.

They are ready to embrace you with wisdom and provide comfort and clarity.

Know, your future-self is not another escape route.

You don’t connect with your future to avoid the present.

You don’t connect with your wisest and most knowing version of yourself to become them faster.

It’s a common misperception about The Future-Self.

Please understand…

The wisest and most healed version of you knows better than anyone what you need, and they know what you are capable of, when wholly loved.

Just imagine it. You could:

  • enjoy every single day more

  • be fully present within each moment

  • root into the now, released from your past

You would be free to enjoy each magical blessing as it happens!

Your Future-Self is offering you loving support and guidance from the one entity who is the most concerned with and invested in YOUR greatest wellbeing. Because the version of you who has evolved past all this turmoil, who is reaching out to support YOU, simply wants you to know how to make it through what you are going through more easily than you could choose to.

You see, there are an infinite number of potential future-yous waiting to emerge.

(Think of it as your own personal metaverse—in real-life.)

Without your focused connection, you’re just living life by default without any genuine intention.

Remember, Your Future-Self cannot exist without You!


By downloading this hypnotic recording you agree to listen only when and where it is appropriate.

This recording should never be listened to while driving, operating machinery, or when your focus is required elsewhere.

Enjoy imagining a deeper connection with your chosen Future-Self.

Please download your hypnotic recording and enjoy connecting as often as you like.

We can always go deeper. We can always connect further.

Please let me know how I can assist your journey to enjoy your NOW more than ever before!

Hypnotists help ordinary people with ordinary problems using individual hypnotic techniques.

Hypnotists are teachers, motivators, coaches & guides whose goal it is to assist persons in resolving normal problems of living.

Hypnotists should be seen as non-therapeutic in nature.

Hypnotists do not engage in the independent diagnosis or treatment of medical or mental disease.