Enjoy A Free Hypnotic Recording:

Drift to Sleep


Transformation Happens

Whether you are ready for change, or change has chosen you, your mindset is the key to more success with less stress.


Virtual Hypnotic Coaching with Jen

Future-Focused Hypnosis re-connects clients with their soul-self — also known as, The Future-Self.

Hypnosis Haven & Ripple Effect Coaching facilitate Future-Self Connections, coast to coast in two countries.

Become the Boss of Your Brain by Mastering Your Mindset!


The Wheel of Wellness

Does your life feel stuck in a ditch with a flat tire?

Roadside Assistance is available. Use these resources to re-inflate your Wheel of Wellness and reconnect with your internal GPS to enjoy a more comfortable journey, and love the life you are living!

Future-Focused Hypnosis

Release the past. Embrace ‘The Now.’ Connect with your Future-Self.

One client’s statement:

“I’m energetic again. I don’t wake up with heart palpitations anymore. My brain fog is completely gone.”

Virtual Hypnotic Coaching is the rest and rejuvenation needed when you are more than tired.

Another client’s report:

I feel 90% less crazy!”

I guarantee, feeling 90% less crazy is 100% worth it!

Sleep Soundly

There are three main forms of exhaustion Future-Focused Hypnotic Coaching transforms; physical, mental, & spiritual. Rest assured, you’ll wake refreshed.

Be Clear

Enjoy being authentically you. Know your truths. Live your potential. Transform your life. Overcome the past, connect with your Future-Self, live confidently in the now.

Enjoy Your Day

When did you stop singing, dancing, believing? That is when you stopped enjoying your life. Empower true joy by connecting with what makes you genuinely happy.

To experience a more customized solution, with the guidance of a Board-Certified Hypnotic Coach, contact Jen for further support. Overcome misperceptions and limiting beliefs stealing your joy!

If you’ve been waiting for more permission to feel better…

here it is.


You are not alone.

Your future-self is waiting to guide you through the darkness and into the light.

You are loved!



Thank you for visiting.

I’m grateful to meet you!

I hope you will call me Jen.

I live in Colorful Colorado with my Army-Veteran husband and our cats. When I am not coaching, writing, or gazing at the moon you can find me chasing butterflies.

I genuinely look forward to celebrating the magical blessings in your future.


As a Board Certified Consulting Hypnotist & Certified Instructor with The National Guild of Hypnotists it is essential for me to explain: hypnotists help ordinary people with ordinary problems using individual hypnotic techniques.

The NGH is clear that hypnotists are teachers, motivators, coaches & guides whose goal it is to assist persons in resolving normal problems of living.

Hypnotists should be seen as non-therapeutic in nature.

Hypnotists do not engage in independent diagnosis or treatment of medical or mental disease.

I am here to support & celebrate your most stress-free successes ever, as if by magic.