The Solution is Real

“The struggle is real.”

A client recently told me.

Very often, the focus of our words defines our experience with the world.

Even before we began working together, this client agreed to rearrange one thought they chose to believe. Daily.

“The solution is real!”

They agreed to try instead.

During the two weeks this client waited for their sessions to begin, they agreed to change this one thought they admitted to repeating regularly, multiple times, throughout their day.

During their Complimentary Consultation they realized this was their internal dialogue. It was the thought they believed motivated them to their success.

What this high achieving client actually learned, by making this single #change, they were actually triggering their reticular activating system (RAS) to focus on #struggle simply by believing the daily thought, “the struggle is real.”

They had, inadvertently, set their brain on the hunt for what they didn’t want.


💢Game-planning the focus it was given, their brain found struggle.💢


Before we even began healing their past or connecting them to their #FutureSelf, this single #LifeHack they learned about their brain turned around a business deal they were sure they were going to lose, before changing this phrase.

The Deal eventually closed even more profitably than originally hoped for. 🎉

🔆“It was a difficult transition” they admitted when we started their first session, “but it worked!”🔆


“I posted sticky notes all over my office… ‘THE SOLUTION IS REAL!’ And, now…they just appear, everywhere, like magic!”


This client realized, the more they focused their brain on solutions, the more solutions their brain recognized and created!

🤔 What are you telling yourself every day?

🫤 How’s it working for you?


If you are ready for a change, it could help to change what you are ready for!