With awareness comes choice.

We can't change the problems we are not aware of.

We all have unconscious programs running in the background of our brains. Even if they are not obvious, they might just be taking up space, slowing down other, more updated and important programs.

When you become aware of your unconscious programs you can choose comfortable changes that will ripple throughout your environment, creating unexpected outcomes.

It all begins by:

1. giving your brain the evidence it needs to know it's safe to change.

2. creating space between stimulus and response... ultimately moving into a thoughtful moment of mindfulness.

3. Most importantly, impacting those around you because your changed behavior creates different stimuli that will motivate their different responses.

Hypnosis is the easiest way to shine a light on unconscious programs and create clarity to update or uninstall them.

Left on their own, our brains do whatever it takes to move us away from discomfort and towards pleasure. If we feel bad, we distract. This cycle continues until we get stuck in a rut that can feel impossible to change.

With awareness comes choice.

It’s true, all feelings are valid.

Not every response to every feeling is either necessary or useful, though.

What ripple are you sending into your environment?