Season 1: Episode 1 | Model of the Mind - part one
Welcome to Hypnosis DeMystified
Quickly and easily understand what hypnosis is.
In this 4 part series, I will demystify the confusion surrounding the mindfulness practice of hypnotism. In this first episode I will discuss the mind and its main components of consciousness; the unconscious mind, the subconscious mind and the conscious mind as well as each of their protective functions.
This is the beginning of true understanding of your mind! What it is and how it works.
I will discuss how who we are is actually based within our subconscious mind. Then, you will learn the process of how hypnosis helps affect change within it each level of consciousness.
In this episode, find out why hypnosis works as well as it does and how it helps you accomplish what CAN be accomplished.
In this Episode:
2:13 - What is Hypnosis?
4:01 - The Components of Consciousness.
5:35 - Ask Yourself This Question...
7:18 - The Subconscious Mind.
9:03 - Willpower...What, Where, Why???
11:06 - The Conscious Mind.
12:28 - Why Hypnosis Works.
14:02 - The Fourth (and most misunderstood) Component of Consciousness...the “gatekeeper” to all of our habits and beliefs