Thankful Thursdays
Starting this third Thursday of the month, I am going to begin a tradition at your Hypnosis Haven; and, I would be truly grateful if you join me.
There are a few annual holidays with which I have always had just a little bit of a problem. New Year’s Eve and Valentine’s Day, especially give the impression that as long as you put a lot of energy and focus into Revelations and Love on their significant day, the rest of the year can be business as usual.
Thanksgiving falls unfortunately into that trap as well…we celebrate our thankfulness to such a gut-busting degree on one particular day of the year, we tend to ignore it every other day. Unless, of course, our obligatory training from childhood kicks in and we remember to thank someone for something, somewhere down the way, on a different day.
I truly believe the more mindful we are about our gratitude, the happier we will feel as humans!
So, starting this super-day, I will invite y’all to join me in being grateful.
Today, I genuinely have so many things to be grateful for, to, and because…I see that more clearly than ever. Not because of my privileged background, no. Technically, I’m afraid that unfortunately made me a tiny bit complacent to miracles and slightly entitled to joy. A very unattractive and un-enlightened combination, to be humanly honest.
Thankfully, life has made me very grateful – for just about everything!
Today, I’m beyond grateful that I now have a Sonic/WaterPik fusion flossing toothbrush.
For reals; everyone should be taking the best care of their teeth possible. This seems to be coming up a lot these days – FOR A LOT OF PEOPLE!!!
I am not sure if it is The Vid or if everyone is as uncomfortable going to the dentist as I became for a while. I mean, I had always been super cognizant of how important oral-health is and truly dedicated to proper self-care. Mom and Dad made it a priority!
But; one of my six-month check-ups fell five months after the plane hit the tower above my head - I wasn’t really thinking about my teeth.
Fast-forward ten years and I’m realizing it’s definitely past time to return to the dentist. Though my self-care had maintained its regularity and thoroughness, my professional care had not; and something hurt, something hurt badly.
We don’t have time for the epic tale of how I almost died due to a terribly botched root-canal…simply know, I’m grateful I didn’t lose part of my jaw…or worse!
I’m grateful for the miracles of medicine that allowed my healing to occur over the six-months of continued care that was required for me to be telling you how important it is to take care of your teeth.
I’ve been hearing about people’s teeth lately…I cannot stay quite any longer!! In the eight years since my emergency surgery I have tried many, many different oral-hygiene solutions.
I feel better than after I have been to the dentist, each and every time I use it!
I have a very small mouth and this is a perfect sized brush for me to get to each and every tooth, even in the way back! I’m so grateful to the world of commerce for creating this, so grateful to my husband for agreeing to “try one more solution”, and I’m grateful we had the ability to purchase it when we did.
What are you grateful for today?
The more we practice gratitude the easier it becomes!
This new monthly series will hopefully inspire you to think about things that make you grateful, more than just once a year. Let’s openly celebrate a bit of gratitude each month so that we can be more mindful of it throughout every week, and eventually, each and every day!
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