They Are Lying To You About Self-Care
Do you know The Truth about Self-Care?
Starting at the very beginning…because, it is a very good place to start.
You deserve a daily routine to nurture your very best life. It’s no wonder so many are as disconnected from self-care as they are. Too many are trying to sell their version of what it means, and how to accomplish it, to trust much on the subject these days. There are those who literally cringe whenever “self-care” is mentioned. (Are you one of them?)
Some people dislike massages, manicures, and mimosas - oh my.
How you define self-care matters!
Let’s acknowledge, here and now, the most important aspect of self-care is the word SELF!
Redefine what self-care means to YOU!
Don’t need massages, manicures, or mimosas?
How about a dentist appointment, do you need one of them?
Are you in need of organizing an overflowing, mess of a closet?
Or are you really in need of walking outside and breathing fresh air – right now?
Proactively addressing your own needs is one beautiful way of defining Self-Care.
When self-care is defined as pampering or luxurious it is too easy to excuse excluding the commitment from your already very busing life. That is why your self-care has to become routine.
You need a Self-Care-Routine!
Your daily maintenance energizes all momentum more comfortably than pushing through and running on empty. Perhaps rather than massages, manicures, and mimosas what we really need is Mindset Maintenance.
What it feels like when all chakras align & the planets harmonize for everyone's greatest good.
Are you one of those unicorns who has every need already satisfied?
Fantastic…this is where and when self-care truly gets exciting.
What lights you up, making you feel the most joyfully connected to living?
Is it when enjoying the company of a loved one?
Is it when concocting a new creation in the kitchen or while crafting?
Or are you most joyfully connected to living when absorbing the environment around you, outside?
There is an old saying that goes something like:
Q: When did you stop singing, dancing, believing?
A: That is when you stopped being happy.
“Happy” may not be your goal.
“Gratitude” may not be the meta-emotion you are actively seeking – today.
And that's a-okay.
Are you currently present with what makes you feel good?
Please recognize, you deserve to enjoy your day - everyday, in some small way.
So, let’s start at the very ending…it’s a very good place to end up.
Or is it?
How comfortable with yourself are you today?
How connected to your future-self are you?
Is the person you are today growing into the person you want to spend the rest of your life as?
Are you actively doing today what your future-self deserves tomorrow?
Imagine a college student during their last week of classes - ever. Graduation is clearly happening, in a few weeks. All they need to do is pass their finals.
And then, there are the parties where their friends want them to celebrate freedom – now.
Two opposing desires colliding…
Like a married man on a business trip with a young and flirtatious attendee. One who dotes devotedly to his every need, in just the way he always longed his wife to do. The woman at home, unkept with kids on both hips, in comparison to the vivacious companion making everything too easy.
Do these sound too far fetched for your daily living?
How about the woman looking forward to her first beach vacation in waaaay too long, who hopes to wear her college bikini. She never walks around the block, too busy daydreaming about celebrating still fitting in - while compulsively eating everything in her kitchen.
You deserve a daily routine to nurture your very best life!
Your future-self connection provides the self-care routine I am suggesting. Taking care of your future-self today is the self-care you need forever.
Self-care is not bubble-baths, floating wine, and endless chocolate cake.
Self-care is not avoiding challenging people and situations that need to be faced.
Self-care is not skirting responsibilities while accumulating unnecessary negative residue.
Self-care is washing your face and brushing your teeth before going to sleep at a reasonable time, nightly. Self-care is paying your bills on time and keeping your to-do tasks checked off, daily. Self-care is enjoying the company of cherished friends and loved ones, regularly. Self-care is investing time in your own passions, confidently. Self-care is saying “yes” to that which lights you up and “no” to that which drains you unnecessarily.
Give yourself permission to take care of yourself as well as you take care of everyone else.
Give yourself permission to take care of your future-self as much as you care for anyone.
Give yourself permission to care for your needs more than the whims of any other.
Give yourself permission to be the caregiver your future-self deserves – now.
Give yourself permission to care for you!
By giving yourself this permission to care for yourself properly, regularly, your self-care routine becomes as simple as the thoughts you are thinking and believing.
Can you imagine now that your mindset is the very beginning to the self-care you are missing?
The thoughts you carry as truths about why everyone else is more deserving, why you cannot provide for yourself as expertly as you care for everyone else…that’s what needs to change.
Self-care is freeing and need not cost you anything.
You don’t need massages, manicures, or mimosas…feel free, though.
Feel free to enjoy what makes you happy!
Feel free to consider Celebration Days your right as well...celebrate how well you take care of yourself daily by honoring the splurges of living happily ever after! Your Future-Self is waiting...
To honor your FREE Self-Care Routine exploration options, I offer this PDF and Hypnotic Recording*.
Permission Slip to Self-Care
* Feel free to share with as many as you know who need to give themselves permission to enjoy their own self-care as well.