Do you recognize when you are hypnotized?
Did you know you are in hypnosis every single day?
There are two points in every person’s day when they are in hypnosis. Unless they never sleep!
Hypnosis isn’t sleep, yet those moments right before falling asleep and waking up are our most regularly occurring moments of daily hypnosis.
You don’t have to be afraid of hypnosis…it is so natural you experience it every single day.
Have you ever heard of the phenomenon known as “Highway Hypnosis?” It easily proves you are always in control, always alert, always able to emerge.
Have you ever driven such a well known route that you allowed your mind to wander into a distracted state of concentration? Maybe you were focused on something you had to do when you got where you were going, or perhaps concentrating on something upsetting that you were driving away from, and that ‘other focus’ had you so preoccupied you forgot to consciously ‘pay attention’ to your driving?
Yet—you drove safely and accurately all the way to where you needed to be until something alerted you to your distraction, like the behavior of an erratic driver or your exit suddenly appearing?
In highway hypnosis your conscious mind gets so focused on what’s distracting it your subconscious & unconscious minds take over to keep you on track. Only if you become conscious of fear or something being ‘wrong’ will you naturally emerge from this focused state of awareness. That’s a pretty typical example you might have experienced a time or two.
And it is the same in Hypnotic Coaching.
The client is always alert and in control while deeply focused on creating the change they desire.
Here are 3 common examples of how normal, natural, and regularly occurring hypnosis truly is.
These 3 experiences of everyday hypnosis actually happen every day. Learning to recognize these daily hypnotic moments is one of the fastest ways to utilize them on purpose with purpose.
(…and, quite frankly, to protect yourself from unwanted social programming.)
1. Time Distortion
—> recognize when your sense of time changes
If time is “flying by” or “dragging on” you are in a light state of hypnosis.
2. Loss of Awareness, including the awareness of pain
—> cuts or bruises you don’t remember getting because you were way too focused on what you were doing are proof of a much deeper state of regularly occurring hypnosis
This is the reason hypnosis can replace anesthesia during dental procedures and even during major surgery. 🤯
3. Negative Hallucinations
—> no, you aren’t tripping
You know when you panic about being late and you search for something you can’t find but desperately need?
Maybe it is your phone or maybe your keys?
And all you think is, “I can’t find it, I can’t find it anywhere…”
Until someone points at it saying, “right there” and in front of you…like magic…it suddenly appears!
This is one of the deepest states of everyday hypnosis to be aware of.
This hypnotic state is caused by heightened emotions combined with repetitive thinking.
Please be careful of what you think when your emotions are highly charged.
The truth is, hypnosis is simply a form of extreme mindfulness.
It is clinically defined as:
“a heightened state of focus to the exclusion of all peripheral stimulus.”
These experiences of every day hypnosis happen so regularly some question when we aren’t hypnotized.
Recognizing these examples can help you use them “on purpose with purpose.”
When our own natural resources are more available to us we become much less reliant on outside influences.
Helpful Hypnotic Hint:
Though Negative Hallucination is an odd term, it is simply not seeing what is there (rather than seeing what isn’t, as we typically consider the hallucinatory process.)
It’s a great example most can relate to.
A great way to counter this phenomenon in a real life scenario is to pause, connect to your deep exhale, and say to yourself,
“I easily find (lost item) wherever (lost item) is, I see (lost item) clearly.”
The key to NOT seeing what IS there, is saying/believing, “I can’t find/see”.
—> Because the brain likes to prove you right whenever it can.
questions answered in this blog:
Should I be afraid of hypnosis?
How often are we naturally hypnotized?
Are we really in hypnosis every single day?
How can I tell if I am hypnotized?
Are there three examples of regularly occurring hypnosis?
What is a negative hallucination?
Are there any helpful hypnotic hints to counter a negative hallucination?
What is Highway Hypnosis?
How does Highway Hypnosis prove a client is always alert and in control in Hypnotic Coaching.
What is hypnosis?
How is hypnosis clinically defined?
What is the deepest state of hypnosis to be aware of?
How do I protect myself from social programming?