Why it still feels like the sky is falling AND how to heal anyway
Did you just wonder when the next shoe is going to drop?
Has life begun to look like one chaotic messy-moment recycled, repurposed, and reused as the next ongoing chaotic moment?
More importantly though, it’s not your fault and there are solutions available!
Of course, you have every reason to feel this way...after everything that has happened, ALL that has happened.
It’s okay...I understand how alone you feel.
Luckily, I know there is a healing capability intrinsically within trauma survivors, almost like a superpower. Most, simply need a little assistance in accessing and nurturing it into a cultivated skillset for themselves.
We have all heard the analogy that healing is like an onion. We peal back our pains and heal layer by layer until finishing. But are we, really, like onions? Wouldn’t that mean, we are no-more than a mess of smelly, disconnected layers of rot when finished?
What good would it do us if healing only prepared us for composting or cooking?
What if instead of working backwards, pealing each layer back, until there is nothing left of us; what if we healed forward, becoming ever-blooming? Our healing opening us up like the petals of a rose, exposing ever more depth and beauty within each and every confident unfolding? Our soul, the budding center of our very being, the core lovingly protected by each new ring, of petals opening. With strength, this healing would surely expose, purpose and originality, the essence of all you can truly be.
You can actually know the scent of your future-self rather than the stench of what you are courageously leaving behind!
How long does your future-self have to wait to live the life of your dreams?
The journey of healing, and how it is controlled by the mindset of the one healing, is both overwhelming and empowering; understanding this personally and professionally allows me to compassionately customize this healing-space for those who seek my hypnotic-coaching.
Yes, it’s true, healing journeys can take time, they take patience too; but, they happen. Healing happens! Your healing has already begun. The decision you are making, in this very moment, is in choosing to heal as a blooming rose, rather than a stinking onion.
If it still feels like the sky is crashing down around you, though the trauma stopped long ago, I know the roadmap to making a truth out of that old saying:
“Every day in every way, I get better and better.”
Would you like to empower yourself to think beyond your past, connect with your future, and prove all that can truly be – now?
There are some basic biological reasons we as humans feel like the sky is always falling... and our survival is the main reason. Negativity Bias has kept us too focused on fear for too many generations to fathom.
Ironically, though it has kept us alive this long, it could be the demise of our civilization. If we aren’t careful...
Our collective mindset is what will either be our salvation OR our final undoing.
See, the more fearful we are, the more in our reptilian minds we remain. The more isolationist we become. This also, in simplistic terms, effects our vagal-response to fear, keeping many of us constantly on the edge of panic.
We need to collectively cultivate our global mindset away from fear. Especially those with trauma in their background. Because their brains are constantly reminding them, “See, I told you so! BE AFRAID!”
For those who have experienced trauma in their lives, they may actually need to recover from the thoughts and beliefs generated internally MORE than the external details that were occurring during the event, as traumatic as it truly was.
Which is why hypnosis is the really empowering modality of healing it is!
Hypnosis works directly within the limitless database of your entire existence (the subconscious mind) aligning it with and empowering your point of focus (the conscious mind) as well as cultivating your physical and internal wisdom (the unconscious mind). Once my clients harmonize these 3-levels of consciousness they align their 3-brains, reconnecting them with their 3-selves...then they emerge fully and authentically, who they were always born to simply BE.
I trance-form my clients’ perceived weaknesses into actualized strengths, then together we turn their plateaus into springboards to level-up their healing to the next stage in their journey. Like a personal-trainer in a gym, I am a mental-coach. I am here to teach you how to use the equipment you already carry with you everywhere you go. Allow me to empower you to understand your brain, how to utilize it for your greatest good, so you can finally see there’s technically beauty up above.
#HealingHappens #HypnosisWorks
Interview 4/27/2022
“Enjoy the gift of the present.” Please, listen to Bruce Langford interview me on Mindfulness Mode