Posts in 2's-Day Truths
The Limiting Belief of Perfection

I would like to dedicate today to discussing a limiting belief, the limiting belief of perfection, that there are solutions that will create ‘perfect outcomes’ in any of our lives, our societies, and for our world. Recognizing that perfectionistic thinking is a limiting belief it becomes important to realize that seeking progress will always get you further in the long-run!

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2's-Day Truth ~ Gratitude

October’s 2’s-Day Truth is about that overly-hyped meta-emotion called gratitude. For those of us trying to learn to create the state of mind we want, rather than accepting the state of mind we’ve inherited from life.

Are you tired of being told to just, “be grateful!” as if that were a solution to anything!?!

It’s YOUR milk, what’s the harm in crying over spilling it?

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2's-Day Truth ~ Forgiveness

Let’s talk about it...the selfish act of forgiving.

Forgiveness does not mean allowing someone to continue to mistreat you, it is getting over the mistreatment so that the experience doesn’t own you, define you, or continue.

Forgiveness is not about letting the offender off the hook; it’s about having the strength to be bigger than the event, stronger than what makes us most bitter.

These are the two simple steps to truly forgive and burn away any grievance clouding your life. Forgiveness is simply a choice!

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