You are standing at the fork in the road of your life and you decide to take the High Road of Success.

How long does your future-self have to wait to live the life they want to live?

Healing the past is a lovely concept; yet, without a strong connection to the future, why even bother?

The gift of what hypnotic-coaching provides is to change the future to finally make a habit of living the life you want to live - right now.

For the rest of your life...who is it you want to be?

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The Limiting Belief of Perfection

I would like to dedicate today to discussing a limiting belief, the limiting belief of perfection, that there are solutions that will create ‘perfect outcomes’ in any of our lives, our societies, and for our world. Recognizing that perfectionistic thinking is a limiting belief it becomes important to realize that seeking progress will always get you further in the long-run!

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Yes-vember's 'Wins-Day Win'

Simply seeing something in the same way every time you focus on it, doesn’t mean that’s the only way it can be seen. You have the capacity to change your perspective; the choice to be a survivor rather than a victim is actually YOURS! Facing a new challenge with the force of being a survivor allows you to maintain a mindset of success in the moment, rather than committing to the inevitable doom.

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